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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


North Dakota Critical Access Hospital Quality Network's Implementation and Use of the Healthcare SafetyZone® Portal: April 2010-March 2011
Describes the program's purpose, the role of the CAH Quality Network in the implementation of the Portal and use of the data, and summarizes the project's goals while highlighting the program's year-end progress. Presents the output data derived from the thirteen CAHs participating in the Portal.
Project: North Dakota CAH Quality Network
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Ward, J., & Miller, M.
Date: June 2011
Type: Report
Dementia Care Services Project Benefiting Veterans in North Dakota
Provides information regarding which veterans in North Dakota have benefited from the dementia care services project.
Author(s): Muus, K., Volkov, B., & Klug, M.G.
Date: April 2011
Type: Fact Sheet
Dementia Care Services Project's Positive Impact on Caregiving and Cost Savings in North Dakota
Provides information on how the dementia care services (DCS) project has had a positive impact on caregiving and cost savings in North Dakota. Covers estimated median long term care cost avoidance and total quarterly savings on hospital, ambulance, and 911 calls from participates in the DCS program. In addition, shows the percentage of caregivers who had taken healthcare actions following six months of program participation.
Author(s): Muus, K., Volkov, B., Klug, M.G., & Mueller, J.
Date: April 2011
Type: Fact Sheet
Native Aging Visions, Winter 2011
Newsletter developed by the National Resource Center on Native American Aging.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Date: February 2011
Type: Newsletter
North Dakota Rural Health Impact Statement for 2011
Presents a financial impact summary that addresses various rural health programs in North Dakota, including budgetary impacts, purpose, focus, and outcomes achieved.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Date: February 2011
Type: Report
Primary Issues Impacting Rural Health in North Dakota and Contributing Factors
Lists issues that impact rural health in North Dakota, including healthcare access, quality of care, HIT, health insurance, and workforce.
Projects: Flex, State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Date: February 2011
Type: Resource
In-Hospital Mortality Among Rural Medicare Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Effect of Demographics, Transfer, and Health Factors.
In-hospital mortality among rural Medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction: the influence of demographics, transfer, and health factors.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Muus, K., Klug, M., Knudson, A., Wynne, J.
Publication: The Journal of Rural Health, 27(4), 394-400
Date: January 2011
Type: Journal Article
Potential Impact of Health Reform on Rural North Dakota Health Workforce
Discusses factors influencing North Dakota's rural health workforce. Highlights research efforts conducted by the Center for Rural Health on rural health workforce.
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Date: 2011
Type: Fact Sheet


Charting a New Course
Dr. L. Gary Hart is the The Center for Rural Health's new director. Hart is a nationally recognized expert in rural healthcare delivery and healthcare workforce, and the CRH is excited to have him on board.
Author(s): Henke, K.
Publication: North Dakota Medicine, 35(5), 18-19
Date: December 2010
Type: Article
Dementia Care Services Project Benefiting North Dakotans
Provides information on how North Dakotans have benefited from the dementia care services project including the percentage of individuals that completed care-related action steps and the likelihood to place individuals with dementia in a long term care facility (LTC).
Author(s): Volkov, B., Muus, K., Klug, M.G., Mueller J., & Haley-Franklin, H.
Date: December 2010
Type: Fact Sheet