The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.
Type of Employment for Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the type of employment for North Dakota's physicians by sex, age and rurality.
Examines the type of employment for North Dakota's physicians by sex, age and rurality.
State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 3
Date: May 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Demographics of Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the location of where direct patient care physicians practice by age, rurality and number of patients.
Examines the location of where direct patient care physicians practice by age, rurality and number of patients.
State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 2
Date: May 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Cultural Adaptation for Therapy With American Indians and Alaska Natives
Because of the paucity of research on evidence-based treatments with American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) clients, this article addresses barriers to that research and how to adapt treatment to make it more culturally appropriate and acceptable to AI/AN clients so they might benefit from and remain in treatment.
Because of the paucity of research on evidence-based treatments with American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) clients, this article addresses barriers to that research and how to adapt treatment to make it more culturally appropriate and acceptable to AI/AN clients so they might benefit from and remain in treatment.
Author(s): Gray, J., & Rose, W.
Publication: Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 40
Date: April 2012
Type: Journal Article
Projection of North Dakota Physicians: 2010-2040
Describes a projection of both the population of North Dakota and physicians in North Dakota. Includes projection models, graphs, and tables.
Describes a projection of both the population of North Dakota and physicians in North Dakota. Includes projection models, graphs, and tables.
Author(s): Peterson, M., Klug, M., & Hart, G.
Date: April 2012
Type: Report
CAH Financial Conditions and Concerns
Summarizes the current financial status of North Dakota CAHs. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Summarizes the current financial status of North Dakota CAHs. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Author(s): Miller, M., & Gibbens, B.
Date: March 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Critical Access Hospital Organizational Conditions
Includes survey results from North Dakota Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Examines how certain environmental conditions shape the organization structure of CAHs, how they operate, and services they offer. Part of a series of fact sheets on CAHs and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Includes survey results from North Dakota Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Examines how certain environmental conditions shape the organization structure of CAHs, how they operate, and services they offer. Part of a series of fact sheets on CAHs and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Author(s): Miller, M., Gibbens, B.
Date: March 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Effect of Outpatient Visits and Discharge Destination on Potentially Preventable Readmissions for Congestive Heart Failure and Bacterial Pneumonia
Emphasizes the importance of receiving timely post-discharge outpatient care and appropriate discharge destination for reducing preventable hospital readmissions, especially but not exclusively among rural-based patients. Full report.
Emphasizes the importance of receiving timely post-discharge outpatient care and appropriate discharge destination for reducing preventable hospital readmissions, especially but not exclusively among rural-based patients. Full report.
Author(s): Klug, M., & Muus, K.
Date: March 2012
Type: Policy Brief
Fall Incidents and Native American Elderly
Presents the results of Identifying Our Needs: A Survey of Elders that was conducted between 2008 and 2011, by tribal members for over 300 American Indian tribes, Alaskan villages, and Hawaiian homesteads throughout Indian Country.
Presents the results of Identifying Our Needs: A Survey of Elders that was conducted between 2008 and 2011, by tribal members for over 300 American Indian tribes, Alaskan villages, and Hawaiian homesteads throughout Indian Country.
National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Gray, J., & Schlafmann, S.
Date: March 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Hospital Networks
Discusses hospital networks. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Discusses hospital networks. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Author(s): Miller, M., & Gibbens, B.
Date: March 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota CAH Administrators' Attitudes Toward Issues Facing Rural Hospitals
Discusses CAH administrators' attitudes to a variety of common issues or problems facing rural hospitals. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Discusses CAH administrators' attitudes to a variety of common issues or problems facing rural hospitals. Part of a series of fact sheets on Critical Access Hospitals and the North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program.
Author(s): Miller, M., & Gibbens, B.
Date: March 2012
Type: Fact Sheet