The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.
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Potentially Preventable Readmissions in Rural Hospitals
Examines potentially preventable readmission rates for rural and urban hospitals, and discusses the rural implications of policy initiatives to reduce readmission rates.
Examines potentially preventable readmission rates for rural and urban hospitals, and discusses the rural implications of policy initiatives to reduce readmission rates.
Author(s): Klug, M., Muus, K., Casey, M., Moscovice, I.
Date: August 2009
Type: Policy Brief
A College Suicide Prevention Model for American Indian Students
This article outlines the model developed for the American Indian Support Team from funding through the Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to focus on reducing suicide risk of American Indian students at the University of North Dakota.
This article outlines the model developed for the American Indian Support Team from funding through the Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to focus on reducing suicide risk of American Indian students at the University of North Dakota.
Author(s): Muehlenkamp, J.J., Marrone, S., Gray, J.S., & Brown, D.
Publication: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , 40(2), 134-140
Date: 2009
Type: Journal Article
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Healthcare for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders
Reports findings from a study assessing health insurance coverage and access to healthcare among American Indian and Alaska Native elders (Native elders), using data from a national survey that included more than 8,300 Native elders.
Reports findings from a study assessing health insurance coverage and access to healthcare among American Indian and Alaska Native elders (Native elders), using data from a national survey that included more than 8,300 Native elders.
Author(s): Knudson, A.
Date: October 2007
Type: Policy Brief
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drug Consumption and Consequences in North Dakota: The North Dakota Epidemiological Profile, 2007
The report examines the prevalence and patterns of substance (alcohol, tobacco and other drug) use and consequences in North Dakota.
The report examines the prevalence and patterns of substance (alcohol, tobacco and other drug) use and consequences in North Dakota.
Author(s): Muus, K., Gray, J., & the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup
Date: March 2007
Type: Report
Facts and statistics on North Dakota's population. Includes information on populations change by county and frontier counties.
Facts and statistics on North Dakota's population. Includes information on populations change by county and frontier counties.
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Date: April 2006
Type: Fact Sheet
Zinc Affects Cognition and Psychosocial Function of Middle-School Children
This study investigated the effects of dietary zinc intakes on cognition and psychosocial function in young adolescents. Zinc nutrition has been related to motor, cognitive and psychosocial function in very young children and adults, but there have been no studies of older children who may be at risk of zinc deficiency while undergoing rapid growth during puberty.
This study investigated the effects of dietary zinc intakes on cognition and psychosocial function in young adolescents. Zinc nutrition has been related to motor, cognitive and psychosocial function in very young children and adults, but there have been no studies of older children who may be at risk of zinc deficiency while undergoing rapid growth during puberty.
Author(s): Penland, J.G., Lukaski, H.C., & Gray, J.S.
Publication: The FASEB Journal, 19(5), A973
Date: March 2005
Type: Journal Article
Depression in Northern Plains Indians is Associated with Physical Health and Fitness, Dietary Intakes, Food Insecurity and Cultural Identification
This study examined the relationships between depression and physical health and fitness, dietary intakes, food insecurity and cultural identification among Northern Plains American Indians.
This study examined the relationships between depression and physical health and fitness, dietary intakes, food insecurity and cultural identification among Northern Plains American Indians.
Author(s): Penland, J.G., Gray, J.S., Lambert, P., Gonzalez, J., Wilson, E.L., & Lukaski, H.C.
Publication: The FASEB Journal, 18(4), A516
Date: March 2004
Type: Journal Article